Monday, September 28, 2015

Status: Big Brother

Gabriel meeting his baby brother Elias. He is excited about being a big brother.

Friday, July 26, 2013


Gabriel turning 2 was a big event for us. He could very likely be the last child in our family so for right now he's our baby. He is loving and affectionate, continues to be a charmer and mischievous all at once.  This is the stage of toddlerhood often referred to as the 'terrible 2s' but honestly there isn't much of that. By child #3 we know what is age appropriate behavior for a tot and it makes it easier on all of us to remember that 'this too shall pass'.

He continues to amaze us with his physical abilities and hand-eye coordination. His gross motor skills continue to develop rapidly. He has followed his big brother's footsteps and started gymnastics. Right now we're doing the Mommy and Me class until he matures a bit more and can follow the coach around without needing my extra supervision.

We've also seen growth with his language and in turn also seen a decrease in his frustration and aggression. He loves to sing and will pick up the lyrics to songs he hears very quickly. He has these motor-mouthlike moments where he is just nonstop and you have to wonder if he even stops to take a breath. He speaks in full sentences and I've noticed others are understanding him better. I still have those moments where I have to wonder what he is saying. He'll just keep repeating it until I get it. I've noticed he is starting to identify colors, identify letters and has started counting. We continue to just include these things in our every day interactions--no need for formality. He loves blocks and anything he can manipulate, drill, pound etc.

Socially, like his older siblings, he seeks out other kids to play with. He is learning that at his age his peers are sometimes less interested in playing with him and would prefer to still play alongside him.

He continues to be a fan of walking and does not appreciate it when others try to force him into strollers or to hold hands. We're working on safety lessons so he can relish in his independence but still keep safe.

He loves to do everything for himself. He brushes his teeth (10 times a day if you let him), wash and dry his hands, helps get himself dressed and undressed and tells us when he needs a diaper change. He is more than ready to be diaper-free and at home he usually is. We'll likely go completely diaper-free in the next month or so.

Mastered Skills (most children can do)
Can name at least six body parts on a doll
Half of speech is understandable
Can make short sentences

Emerging Skills (half of children can do)
Starts talking about self
Can arrange things in categories
Can walk down stairs

Advanced Skills (a few children can do)
Begins to understand abstract concepts like sooner and later
Becomes attuned to gender differences
Learns to jump

Saturday, May 25, 2013

How to eat a cupcake

I love watching Gabriel eat. He eats with gusto. No talking, just gets down to the job at hand. Watching him eat a cupcake is different. He takes his time to get the icing off little by little with his finger. He ate most of the icing and left the rest. He told me "tired". Eating dessert is hard work.

Lil Bookworm

We own a lot of books and they have never come to waste. Lately Gabriel has taken to sitting on his own and looking through them. He doesn't want help and will ask to be left alone.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Mr. Chatterbox?

Gabriel has never been much of a talker. As a baby he rarely babbled. He is the independent type. He wants something? He is more likely to get up and attempt to get it than ask you for it. Walking at 8 months and pulling/pushing whatever he can to climb to. He only verbalized when he couldn't get what he wanted or you got in his way.

With 2 years around the corner we get a lot of questions about his speech, or should I say lack thereof. He's right where he needs to be and I haven't worried too much about it. Each child is different and will always be. I know he will and does talk when he feels the need and more often than not? He finds no need to communicate verbally. He signs or he gestures.  I knew eventually he'd come along and surprise us.

Over the past month his verbal vocabulary has increased considerably and his use of phrases has exploded. They mostly fall in the assertive categories of speech, what he wants, when he wants it. I noticed his level of aggression has lessened and he is less likely to hit or bite out of frustration. Louis likes to point to things and ask Gabriel what they are. Or he'll tell Gabriel the name of an object and have Gabriel repeat it.

Gabriel has started to sit by Louis while we work on phonics and he seems to enjoy the process. I noticed the other day while we were playing with some pattern blocks that Gabriel can now identify a few shapes. He seems to enjoy his growth with communication but I notice he's still mostly the silent type, like his dad.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Happy 21 Months!

Words most often attributed to Gabriel: monster, hyper, speedy, strong, stubborn, lovable, independent, bulldozer

Some of the latter sound much worse than they are but I can assure you are all said with affection. It is just that Gabriel is growing into a very strong willed child or I should say he always has been. His toddler years will no doubt continue to be formidable. It is a good thing we aren't opponents in life or else I'd be a little worried. I find that our more gentle parenting practices that worked quite well with our oldest children are not always the easiest things to put into action with Gabriel but we are steadfast and eventually we make some headway. 

The past few weeks have been challenging as Gabriel has been biting more and also hitting. I know it is partly due to a developmental growth he is challenged and frustrated with. I've been working with him on signing more and using some verbal cues. He isn't a big talker so I know it is a challenge for him to get adults to understand him. I imagine it makes seemingly trivial, easy actions for him much harder. Leah and Louis are great with working on it with him and while they do not appreciate being bitten or hit they continue to find patience in dealing with his tantrums. The past week or so he has begun to enjoy naming objects around the house and is sitting for longer periods of time to read. Already I've started to notice a decrease in his level of frustration and angst. 

He loves sports, not necessarily watching them but playing them. He is active and loves to be as rough and tumble as possible. He'll tackle you to the floor and smother you with hugs and kisses. Then do it all over again. Louis started gymnastics and Gabriel loves to copy all the things he sees his older brother doing. The more physical the play the happier Gabriel is. 

He is a cuddly, lovable guy too. He still wants to nurse and relax with me a few times during the day. He will climb out of his bed and lay with us at night, though most days he prefers his own space. 

Overall I can tell this past month that he is less of our baby and trying to assert himself as one of the tots in the house. He wants what his big brother and big sister have. Just like them. The 'big kid' fork and wants to sit with us at the table, not in his highchair. It isn't always easy to meet his desires/demands but we are making an effort. 

He LOVES Dora. I don't get it but it is currently his favorite show to watch with Matt at night. 

21 Month Milestones

Mastered Skills (most children can do)
Can walk up steps
Enjoys helping around the house
Can set simple goals (e.g. deciding to put a toy in a certain place)

Emerging Skills (half of children can do)
Can throw a ball overhand
Can kick a ball
Can make building brick towers

Advanced Skills (A few children can do)
Can name a cat or dog when you show a picture
Can make a short sentence (me go)
Can walk down stairs

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Happy 20 Months!

Gabriel has made a few cognitive leaps as of late especially in his use of language. He has started to use simple phrases and I've seen him more at ease when frustrated now that he is choosing to express himself more. He is still mostly all business though and only chooses to speak when he absolutely must. He loves to sing and knows a lot of songs by heart. He continues to love shape sorting and playing games with hidden objects.

We've had some our first bouts of tantrums and unlike his big bother and big sister Gabriel is not easily soothed by any means at all. Even if he gets what he was crying about in the first place. We are working on playful parenting and gentle discipline methods in order to best meet his needs. Not always easy but I've noticed each subsequent tantrum has been a little easier for him to calm down from and for me to deal with. He isn't happy to sit still for very long after he's done with whatever it is he is doing so going out to eat is kept at a minimum with him right now. He is all business when it comes to food and will happily sit and eat his meal but once it is done? He is done and wants out. He continues to be the most assertive in nature of our three children. It is great to see him hold his own. We've been working on him on being a bit more gentle and patient. Slow going but I know eventually he'll get there.

He is our lil cuddle bug and as of recently has grown closer to Daddy. They have their own evening ritual of sharing some popcorn and heading to bed together.  He runs to the door and with a big ole smile yelling "Daddy!" as soon as Matt is through the door. On the rare occasion it doesn't happen rest assured Matt will ask him "No Daddy!?" It is the cutest thing ever.

Gabriel physical abilities continue to grow. I'm astounded and often surprised at what he is capable of doing. He is almost fearless in his pursuits and attempts to do everything the older kids can do. I don't stray too far from him but I try to give him enough space to figure it all out himself. More often than not he accomplishes what he set his mind to doing and without much trouble. He LOVES sports. He enjoys watching them on tv and if kids are playing at the playground he wants in on the game.

Mastered Skills (most kids can do)
Feeds doll - Gabriel loves to play pretend with dolls and stuffed animals. He cares for them by changing their diapers or bringing them to me to feed them or with his sippy cups.
Curious about his body parts, and may be touching his genitals.- Like all kids we've been there, done that. We have started to talk about body parts, privacy and appropriate touch and so forth.
Takes off own clothes - Rest assured if it can be removed without much effort Gabriel will take it off.
Dumps an object in imitation, such as throwing garbage away - A few months ago we bought a new kitchen trash can and made sure it had a way to lock it down. Good thing too because for a few months Gabriel has enjoyed throwing everything and anything into the trash can. Fortunately he has learned to ask us if something is trash now and it isn't a big deal.
Know when something is wrong
Able to handle/use a spoon or fork but more often prefers to use hands to feed himself.- Gabriel will alternate between hands and fork. Even if he eats his entire meal using his hands he insists on having his fork.

Emerging Skills (half of kids can do)
Say 20 to 50 words - Gabriel has a good solid vocabulary that he uses often and then some other words that we know he can say but doesn't unless he must.
Learns words at a rate of ten or more a day - Gabriel has started to point to objects for me to name and is starting to repeat them. He tends to remember them for future use but mostly enjoys being quiet.
Enjoy helping with things around the house - I have the best lil helpers. Gabriel will follow Louis around as Louis follows me around to help me.
Can walk up stairs (but probably not down) - Gabriel has had the stairs mastered for months. Up and down. Lately he's been favoring walking down the stairs versus scooting down them.
Tries to find objects that are hidden  -  A few times a day we will hide some of Gabriel's fave objects and he'll search them out. He loves finding them and then having us hide them again.

Advanced Skills (a few kids can do)
Draws a straight line - Gabriel tries to write the same way Leah and Louis do and attempts to draw straight lines. He has some ways to go but it is great to see him try.
Names several body parts - When I change Gabriel's diaper I usually ask him where various body parts are to distract him and get him to lay still. Over the past two weeks he has started to name them on his own.
Show better signs of bladder control - we don't potty train but we do have various potty seats available and a ECing family the kids have all used them long before showing signs of bladder control. Over the past two months Gabriel has taken to being diaper free and going on the potty many times throughout the day.
Walk up and possible down stairs with some assistance
Points out pictures in a book - We spend a lot of time reading in our house. Gabriel especially loves animal books--specifically farm animals and jungle animals. He will point to them and say their sound and have me read the stories over and over again.
Throw a ball overhand - Gabriel has good hand-eye coordination and has been throwing a ball overhand for a while now. The past month we've been working on targeting his throws.